Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Teacher Web Critique

A class website, such as Teacher Web, would be a phenomenal class resource. In this day in age, most families have computer s in their homes with Internet access. Having a class website would allow students and parents to access information about our class, as well as resources they can use to help build on the skills they are learning in school. Class websites are also extremely useful to help strengthen the communication between the teacher and students, as well as parents and the teacher. Having a safe place that students and parents can go to communicate with the teacher, access important resources, and track student progress is an amazing tool for any teacher to use for their classroom. I would imagine as a teacher that I would use a Teacher Web in my classroom for the benefit of my students and parents, especially now that I have become more familiar with the site. Having information about your class organized so that everything you need is all in one place, and only a click away is a great way for teacher to reduce their stress of forgetting something like a folder or paper, all they would need is Internet access.
The biggest advantage of using a classroom website such as Teacher Web would be the increased communication with students and the teacher. Having a class website allows students to always have access to what is going on in class, as well as checking their progress as they go. The resources that the teacher provides also allow students to opportunity to work on subjects or areas that they don’t feel as confident in, in order to better their understanding. Another advantage to a class website would be the organization that the teacher would have with their on-going projects and units. Class websites act as a great way for the teacher to have everything they need just a click away, whether it be a certain website with useful information, or the class calendar. One disadvantage that I could see would be if the teacher was not updating their site regularly, so that all of the information was current. It may seem like a class website would only increase the workload of the teacher, when actually it helps to keep the teacher better organized.

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